Newsletter Registration
San Marino Unified School District uses Constant Contact® district-wide to provide electronic communication to parents and friends of San Marino schools. This effort was fueled by the growing cost of producing paper distributions and the time involvement to prepare and distribute them. Please join us in our effort to communicate more effectively and efficiently with you.
If you would like to receive the e-newsletter, please register in the sign-up box provided at the bottom of the page.
Newsletter FAQs:
Who is Constant Contact?
Constant Contact® is the company which powers our email service. Their engine provides flexibility, professional formats, and secure data management.
I don’t want my email spread around.
Your email address remains anonymous to everyone else who participates in our service.
Can my email be sold or shared?
Constant Contact says, “We will never share, sell, or rent individual personal information with anyone without your advance permission or unless ordered by a court of law.”
How can you stop receiving email from us?
Each email sent contains an easy, automated way for you to stop receiving email from us, or to change your expressed interests. If you wish to do this, simply follow the instructions at the end of any email.
What is Spam?
Spam is unsolicited email also known as junk mail or UCE (Unsolicited Commercial Email.)
Anti-SPAM policy
Roving, the parent corporation for Constant Contact, has a no tolerance spam policy. Roving's customer support actively monitors large import lists and emails going to a large number of subscribers. Any customer found to be using Constant Contact for spam will be immediately cut-off from use of the product. Every email contains a mandatory unsubscribe link.
How much does this cost?
This service costs you nothing.